We Hack Games

Currently, the only leaks are for Silly Sircles, Douc R, and Zuse Runners. Email us to request more!

Reason for the leak: Silly Sircles got leaked because the owner defends pedophiles and drug addicts.

Silly Sircles Leaks (PlayFab)

Basic Information

    "m_Name": "PlayFabSharedSettings",
    "m_Structure": {
        "TitleId": "65AFA",
        "RequestTimeout": 2000,
        "RequestKeepAlive": true,
        "LogLevel": 12,
        "LogCapLimit": 30

Advanced Settings

    "DisableDeviceInfo": false,
    "DisableFocusTimeCollection": false,
    "CompressResponses": false,
    "DecompressWithDownloadHandler": true,
    "EnableRealTimeLogging": false

Silly Sircles Leaks (Photon)

Application Settings

    "AppSettings": {
        "AppIdRealtime": "efefe85c-98ed-4152-9e95-b8311f574095",
        "UseNameServer": true,
        "FixedRegion": "eu",
        "EnableProtocolFallback": true,
        "NetworkLogging": 1

RPC List


Reason for the leak: Douc R got leaked because the owner said that his game was unhackable and everyone was weak.

Douc R Leaks (PlayFab)

Title ID

    "TitleId": "B7D51"

Douc R Leaks (Photon)

Application Settings

    "AppIdRealtime": "6ecdafde-9c53-4861-9439-3b6b4669c5f6",
    "AppIdVoice": "c5aa2a95-0b63-4a3b-a308-da8ba2ba43c8",
    "FixedRegion": "eu"

RPC List


Reason for the leak: Zuse Runners got leaked because they only got their fame by using others for shoutouts and promo, and the game is ass.

Zuse Runners Leaks (PlayFab)

Title ID

    "TitleId": "3922E"

Zuse Runners Leaks (Photon)

Application Settings

    "AppIdRealtime": "62575cb0-f9cd-4e8d-a031-228b84668708",
    "AppIdVoice": "a8fb49f4-efc5-4dce-8b6e-c78247f40de1",
    "Region": "US"

RPC List
